Friday 27 April 2007

New Hull please

The idea is to give the Glass boat a reinforced hull, not that the other one had holes in, in order to protect the bottom for longer. This means that we will be able to stay in the water for longer without having to come out to dry dock every five years or so. We usually come out of water in January and every one thinks that the restaurant has either closed down or sunk, but now with our super strong hull insuring us for twenty years of sea worthiness we wont be missed at all, great. Now all you have to do is find a sheet of thick steel, say 35 meters by 7 meters in size, drop your said boat onto it and then bend up the edges, pour in some light weight concrete, leave to set and then solder the edges shut. Simple. The sheet steel was laid out in the dry dock and the Glass boat sailed in above. The water was drained out and on the top she sat...

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